
Wilderness First Responder Recertification

Keep up to date with the latest practices in wilderness medicine and first-aid education.

Upcoming courses:

  • February 2025 - Full
  • May 2-4, 2025 - Full

Tour code: IMG116R

Price from:
a group of individuals participating in a simulated rescue training.
A participant in a Wilderness First Responder course practices CPR on a man lying on a mat indoors, focusing on proper hand positioning.
Two individuals in a Wilderness First Responder course tend to a simulated patient lying on rocky terrain, practicing outdoor first aid skills.
A group of Wilderness First Responder course participants carry a stretcher in a team exercise, simulating a rescue scenario.
A group of Wilderness First Responder course participants prepare a person wrapped in an orange stretcher for transport, simulating an emergency rescue scenario.

Review & Practice Your Skills With Knowledgeable NOLS Instructors

As an outdoor professional, you need to always be ready to respond to emergencies, especially in remote areas. Our updated curriculum will keep your knowledge of wilderness medicine, evacuation protocols and first-aid education fresh during this 3-day recertification course. This training mixes classroom learning with scenario-based situations in the field to test your skills in realistic situations. All courses are taught in English by highly skilled instructors from NOLS Wilderness Medicine. We are proud to provide you with the highest quality of training and first aid education available.

The course is held in Reykjavík, Iceland. Housing for international students is currently not available, but we are happy to provide accommodation suggestions. Please contact for more information on the course, or other practical questions. Please note that not all dates are confirmed to run.

For more information on recertification please visit the NOLS website.

Tour Overview

Meeting Point
Klettagarðar 12, Reykjavík
Group Size
18 - 30 participants
Minimum age
16 years
3 days

Customer Reviews


Our two stellar NOLS instructors from the US provided a great mix of classroom time and hands-on scenarios to dust off our knowledge and skills.
The course started with a short test, then our instructors asked us to share one topic we wanted to learn more about and one skill we especially wanted to practice. They then made sure to incorporate our expectations into the schedule.
NOLS keeps adapting their course materials and standards to the latest medical research, so we were also updated on changes that had been made since our original WFR training.
I find courses like these invaluable for anyone who enjoys outdoor activities, and I really enjoyed the three days of learning and practicing with my fellow Wilderness First Responders. Icelandic Mountain Guides even offered transfer for international participants which was highly appreciated.

KIM T, GERMANY-2020-02-19

Tour Highlights

Realistic scenarios
Keeping your skills up to date
Hands on training
Highly skilled instructors


  • Skilled and experienced NOLS instructors
  • Great classroom facilities and equipment
  • Professional First Aid certification recognized all over the world

Not included

  • Accommodation
  • Food during the course

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